
10 Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers – 61 to 70 of 100 Most Asked

61.       What is your greatest sales-related achievement in your professional career? What steps led to the final outcome?
The answer must be clear, absolutely unmistakable as a statement of value.
Nobody should need to ask for any further information, except relatively minor details, having got the point. (Professionals are nosy, and you may well be getting good positive feedback, because they're genuinely interested.)
You need to:
  • Define the achievement,
  • Be specific about what happened, who, what, where and when
  • Put it in context with your position,
  • Be clear about what you did, and how you did it,
  • Be absolutely clear about what a great achievement it was,
  • Give it a value, in terms of either money or efficiency.

62.       What was the most stressful professional negotiation you have been involved in? How did you handle it?

Tell your own story. If a major disagreement needs to be resolved, preparing thoroughly is warranted, and worthwhile. Think through the following points before you start telling your negotiating story:
  • Goals: What do you want to get out of the negotiation? What do you expect the other person to want?
  • Trading: What do you and the other person have that you can trade? What do you and the other person have that the other might want? What might you each be prepared to give away?
  • Alternatives: If you don’t reach agreement with him or her, what alternatives do you have? Are these good or bad alternatives? How much does it matter if you do not reach agreement? Does failure to reach an agreement cut you out of future opportunities? What alternatives might the other person have?
  • The relationship: What is the history of the relationship? Could or should this history impact the negotiation? Will there be any hidden issues that may influence the negotiation? How will you handle these?
  • Expected outcomes: What outcome will people be expecting from this negotiation? What has the outcome been in the past, and what precedents have been set?
  • The consequences: What are the consequences for you of winning or losing this negotiation? What are the consequences for the other person?
  • Power: Who has what power in the relationship? Who controls resources? Who stands to lose the most if agreement isn’t reached? What power does the other person have to deliver what you hope for?
  • Possible solutions: Based on all of the considerations, what possible compromises might there be?

3       63.       Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure.
Sample Ans:  At my last company the work process was organized and well defined for every employee. We managed to finish our work on time. But when it comes to auditing time, all the employees have to work to meet the deadline. We have to finalize the income statements, balance sheets, annual reports and prepare all the other documents which are needed to provide the audit team. We stay longer time at office than the normal office hours. We also need to stay focused about the accuracy.

4      64.       Did you ever make a risky decision? Why? How did you handle it?
Suggestion: Here interviewer will check your quick decision taking capability. Make sure your taken strategy worked and the outcome was positive. Also keep in mind that you any illegal step will be considered as the violation of office law. Tell them that you have informed your boss about the matter and your colleague too. And you have kept backup plan if the decision was about to backfire. 

5     65.       Have you handled a difficult situation with another department? How?
Suggestion: how you communicate and synchronize with other parties will be tested here.
Sample Ans: I believe in discussion and extensive meetings. If there is a disagreement with other department I’ll first call a meeting where I’ll bring my issues and the solutions. I will also provide my proposal for workflow and where we are facing difficulties. I’ll maintain meeting agenda’s to revise them if any problem occurs further.

      66.       Give an example of an occasion when you used logic to solve a problem.
Suggestion:  here your argumentative power and persuasiveness will be tested. How you define a problem, your approach to it and the solving capability will be checked here. Make sure you solve a problem step by step. You know giving priority to the hardest and important one. If you showed any PowerPoint presentation also mention here.
      67.       Give an example of how you worked on team.
Suggestion: to build a team you need a team leader and workers from different department. To collaborate between them is the main challenge.
Sample Ans: I have always worked as a team member as I was in a technical field.  We had a smart manager and a team leader. Under the team leader, the technical team was placed. On the other hand the management team worked under the manager. At our team there was data analysis team, field working team and after operation support team. We had intensive communication between us and the overall look after was made by the team leader. Our reporting boss was the team leader and the team leader’s reporting boss was the manager.

8    68.       Tell us how you keep your job knowledge current with the ongoing changes in the industry.

Interviewer wants to know how you keep yourself updated.

Sample Ans: for better knowing of my company I frequently visit factory, learn how they work and machines as well. I keep a track on our annual progress reports published by the management. I also read and research articles related with our business at internet. I go for discussion and meeting was well. But I like to get the knowledge from the field level. Future planning is also a great interest for me.

      69.       There are times when we work without close supervision or support to get the job done. Tell us about a time when you found yourself in such a situation and how things turned out.

Sample Ans: at my last project the project manager suddenly fell into a car accident. Our project didn’t have any backup manager to coordinate. So, we all the team members came upfront to solve the issue and divided our workloads. We made a temporary team leader as well as our reporting boss. As he was new in this situation we all helped him to monitor and run the project. We were all responsible for our scope of work and worked harder to overcome the absence of the previous manager.

1    70.   What kinds of challenges did you face on your last job? Give an example of how you handled them.

Sample Ans: The biggest challenges I faced at my last workplace are the communication and the diversity. There were people from different countries and the language was different. As I wasn’t that expert in English, I took an English course for better communication. Then I learned the customs and the ethics of my colleagues’ country as well. Then I found myself into a place where the communication was easy and all of them became a good partner at workplace.